Genetic modifications

Genetically modified animals

To develop new animal models knowledge on many different levels are required. kGen can help you get on the right track towards the model you need for success. Depending on your current focus  kGen can help in profiling, design, evaluating proposals or choosing suppliers.  Start off by considering the questions below.

1. Do I want a quick but possibly not complete answer to my questions or am I willing to wait for a perfect answer?

2. Can I afford to spend more than a million SEK on a new model or is the budget below a 100 000 for the time being?

3. Is there an existing model that can be applied to my setup or do I need to start from scratch?

4. Do I know enough about the gene's function at this time to choose a genetic construct that satisfies my needs?

5. Do I know enough about the genetics involved to choose a construct that is good enough?

6. Where can I compromise and which factors have such an impact that they can not be modified?

7. Which new techniques have become available since I last looked at genetic modifications?

8. Do I have the necessary tools for genetic analysis of DNA, cells and animals?

9. Can I use the animals on the genetic background preferred by the provider?

10. Who can provide the services I need?

Do you have all the answers? If not, kGen can help you straighten out the question marks.


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Our expertise

* Evaluation of proposed  gene modifications

* in silico design of modified genes

* Knowledge on existing models, live and  in


* Up to date on genetic factors, nomenclature

* Wide network among experts and service providers.